The Lost City of Tryon

Photography by George Cassidy Payne

Sitting on a stone bench

in a lost city- a bench that

somehow concentrates

photos with the addition of mass,

I find a pen in my book bag, next to

a pack of soft contacts lenses, a portable

solar Uniden cell phone charger and a

 tie-dyed Bic lighter

   that almost worked,

I remember an unsurpassable

truth and watch it submerge; it

 went all the way

down, between the tides where


go to be left alone.

Yet it also wanted to be spoken, 

if only on the edges of my fingers,

those inventions of Mother Earth

that evolved to survive the blight,

they wanted to come back to the surface

to catch their breath, with tails and whiskers extending

 like fine mycelial fans, 

  or curved fishing knives,


 siphonophores glistening south

 of the palm’s

 sheltering bay.

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