Donate to Sanders When It Counts Most!

Just about 15 minutes ago, the Des Moines Register released their final poll before the Iowa caucus, and we wanted to make sure you saw the results right away:

Des Moines Register Poll – Iowa (January 30, 2016)
Clinton: 45%
Sanders: 42%

We’ve come so far. Can you imagine how you would feel if we come up just short in Iowa? Especially when our numbers against Republicans are so strong.

Your $3 contribution to Bernie’s campaign, right now, could mean the difference between victory and defeat in the Democratic primary for our political revolution. Make one today.

When we started this campaign, no one gave us a chance. They said our ideas were too radical. They said the Clinton campaign and her super PACs had too much money. But in two days, we have a chance to send an unmistakable message about the depth of support for the values values we share.

As you read this message, our offices are buzzing across Iowa and New Hampshire. Thousands of volunteers are working their tails off talking to caucus-goers and voters on the phones and at their homes. If every person who has signed up to join our political revolution made a contribution to Bernie’s campaign today, we would be unstoppable.

Add your $3 contribution here:

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016IMG_20160128_010804.jpg

Paris and Onward: the Path Forward to a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free energy future

Quick Reminder!IMG_20151129_124209965_HDR.jpg

NIRS invites you to Paris and Onward: the Path Forward to a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free energy future
Tele Briefing Tuesday evening, February 2, 2016

Join us for an inspiring discussion of the global climate agreement negotiated in Paris in December. We will be joined by two acclaimed energy experts to explain what the climate agreement achieved and what its implications are for our energy future and nuclear power here in the U.S.

    Dr. Mark Jacobson, Stanford University; The Solutions Project (
Dr. Arjun Makhijani, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (, author of Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy
Moderated By: Tim Judson, Executive Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Nationwide conference call; no cost
Tuesday, February 2 @ 8 pm Eastern
•    5pm Pacific
•    6pm Mountain
•    7pm Central

You must register to obtain the phone-in information and participate in this telebriefing. It’s easy, please register by clicking here.

This is an awesome lineup. We hope you’ll join us!

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Mariotte
Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Stay Informed:

NIRS on the web:

GreenWorld: (NIRS’ blog chronicling nuclear issues and the transition to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system)

NIRS on Facebook:

NIRS on Twitter:!/nirsnet

NIRS on YouTube:

Rochester Free Radio Board Signs Historic Lease


Rochester Free Radio board president, Chuck Schroeder has just signed a historic lease for studio space in The Hungerford Building.  Beginning March 1st, RFR will now be located at 1115 E. Main Street, Suite AB203.  This means we’re going on the air!  After that first day, we’ll be moving in our gear, setting it up and training volunteers to do their shows.

So, if you’ve already expressed interest in doing a show or if you’re just realizing how cool it would be to do one, please choose one of the following times to join us.
Saturday, February 13th @ Noon Thursday, February 25th @ 6:30pm  or  Sunday, February 28th @ 3pm
The location of the meetings will be announced soon.
In the meantime, we’re still producing original local shows on our online stream.  You can listen to it on our Facebook page as well as our website.
If you go to the website, you’ll noticed that many of our talk shows are saved as podcasts for you to check out on demand.  Some of our show hosts are also blogging on website as well.
And what kind of a non-profit would we be if we didn’t ask for money?  
We expect to run into unexpected costs in setting up our studio.  You can help us ease that burden with a tax-deductible donation to Rochester Free Radio.  Or you can buy an exclusive I Helped Start Rochester Free Radio t-shirt.  They’re one of a kind – once they’re gone, they’re gone.

You can always help by underwriting a show or the station in general.  All the details are here.
This is it!  The final step in getting on the air at 106.3fm.  Set that radio dial now!  

Stop the School to Prison Pipeline!

Parents and students will speak today at the Rochester City School District Board of Education, sharing stories of how suspensions and arrests have negatively impacted their lives. However, we can break the chain of the school-to-prison pipeline. Together as parents, students, teachers, administrators and all other members of the school community, we can stand up for better policies, more supports, and real alternatives to harsh discipline.

Now is the time to act, let’s do this together!

What: Rally to Support a New Code of Conduct

When: Thursday, January 28, at 6pm

Where: 131 W. Broad St, Rochester, NY


Every year thousands of young people are suspended from school in the Rochester City School District. Just a single suspension doubles the chances a student will dropout of school and makes them more likely to end up in prison. A number of factors contribute to this pushout including harsh discipline policies, an unwelcoming school environment, a lack of resources for students, and a lack of alternatives to suspension. These problems create the school-to-prison pipeline.

We need your support on Thursday, January 28 at 6pm at 131 W. Broad St. to break the school-to-prison pipeline!

The RCSD Board of Education has taken this issue on, committing to review and pass the recommendations of a stakeholder group known as the Community Task Force. The Board of Education has shown real leadership by committing to reform School Climate in Rochester.

One of those recommendations is a new code of conduct, which makes suspensions a last resort, clearly defines when discipline is necessary, and encourages alternative to suspensions that repair harm and get to the root of disruptive behavior.

Parents, students, teachers, school staff and community members are coming together on Thursday, January 28 at 6pm at 131 W. Broad St., Rochester, NY to express how urgent it is that the Board of Education move the process forward and adopt better policies. It has been over a year since this process began. Now is the time to act. Every day we wait more students are losing valuable class time to suspensions, falling behind, and dropping out of school.

Let’s Break The Chain. The Board can make history of its own, by committing to introduce and finalize a draft of the new code of conduct by the end of February. Please show your support by attending this important rally.


Generation at Risk: Unplugging your grandchildren and connecting them with nature

Accumulating research reveals the necessity of contact with nature for child – and adult – development.

Not long ago, summer camp was a place where you camped, hiked in the woods, learned about plants and animals and told stories by the fireside. Today there is a good chance that summer camp is more about weight loss or computer camp.

Some studies today suggest that exposure of youngsters to nature can be a powerful form of therapy for attention deficit disorders and other maladies. One scientist even says that we can now assume that, just as children need good nutrition and adequate sleep, they may very well need contact with nature.

Reducing that nature deficit is in our self-interest in part because our mental, physical and spiritual health depends on it. The health of the earth is at stake as well. How the young respond to nature, and how they raise their own children, will shape the conditions of our communities, our very lives, going forward.

May 21, July 16, and Sept 17, 2016

Generation at Risk: Unplugging your grandchildren and connecting them with nature

In a digitally focused world, children are losing valuable relationship connections. The Generation at Risk program will teach you the secrets of how to get your kids and grandkids away from their digital distractions by providing activities that: Awaken all the senses, Teach effective storytelling so you can share your wisdom and family heritage, Develop a routine that makes nature a part of their lives.


Energy Democracy Symposium

IMG_20151012_202608Friday, February 5, 2016 The New School: Theresa Lang Student Center, New York City 8:30AM – 3:00 PM (NYEDA member meeting from 3 – 6:30 PM)

We have an unprecedented opportunity to make New York’s energy system renewable, equitable, accountable, and local. A movement is rising to address climate change and revitalize our communities through clean, affordable energy. The NY Energy Democracy Alliance invites you to join us as we set the stage for 2016. Come learn about efforts across the state to build locally owned renewable energy projects, to make homes warmer and healthier, to demand economically and racially just energy policy, to challenge the power of utility companies, to develop resilient community microgrids, and find a just transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear power. This event is free and open to the public.

This Changes Everything: Naomi Klein at FLCC

IMG_20160124_173401366January 24, 2016

If there was one message that came across loud and clear on a pleasant Sunday evening at the annual George M. Ewing Canandaigua Forum with author and social activist Naomi Klein, it was that we must stop pretending that we have non-radical options left. The air is in crisis. The water is in crisis. The soil is in crisis. The entire climate of our planet is in crisis. We are in crisis.

But so is the whole paradigm of corporate domination and exploitation. And here lies the silver lining in Klein’s otherwise bleak assessment of the world’s economic, social and spiritual condition. In This Changes Everything Klein argues that “climate change pits what the planet needs to maintain stability against what our economic model needs to maintain itself…but since that economic model is failing the vast majority of people on multiple fronts that might not be such a bad thing.”

Wearing a blue scarf in solidarity with the local “We are Seneca Lake” movement- and admitting that she spent 5 years of her early life living in Rochester- the prolific writer of such seminal texts as No Logo and The Shock Doctrine suggested that we think about global warming as a celebration of limits. Now that we have brought the earth to this tipping point, there is a new opportunity to change our fundamental ways of existing on this planet. Klein stated that there is no other way to avoid catastrophic destruction to every living system than to change the way we build houses, grow food, use water, drive cars, design communities, raise children, seek out entertainment, create economies and govern ourselves.

This%20Changes%20Everything%20Paper%20Back%20Jacket%20Art%20Tiny.previewFor Klein, the challenges are immense but the opportunity to recreate what community can be is a deeply moving hope which inspires her to keep working. As terrible as the climate crisis has been for millions of impoverished peoples from all over the world, it is also a chance for our race to start over. In other words now is the time to rethink and redesign everything! Under this new emerging paradigm, there can no longer exist insurmountable gaps between rich and poor nations; there can no longer exist uninhibited free market trade policies that destroy the very biology of the earth; there can no longer exist frenetic consumption rates and mean spirited mindlessness that disenfranchises so many of our fellow citizens. The end of corporate rule has arrived, and for Klein- a self described “secular Jewish socialist feminist”- this is good news indeed.

But the situation is much too dire to do anything gradually. “We must swerve from the path we are on” she says, and we must invest massively in the public sphere. “Our one way relationship with the natural world is over. The masters of the universe have been given a demotion.”

Watching and listening to Ms. Klein on stage, it became evident that her most impressive ability as a spokesperson for the burgeoning climate justice movement is her savvy blend of common sense, wry wit, and profound sensitivity to injustice. No one is immune to her scathing critiques. For example, she openly acknowledged the many positive contributions that former mayor Michael Bloomberg has made to the climate issue, but at the same time she exposed his investments in oil and gas companies. Regarding the Paris Accords, she claimed that the mainstream media was far too deferential to corporations such as Exxon, and that the agreement lacked any policies to make it a reality. She also talked passionately about the total crackdown on public dissent during the conference. Only by the end of the summit were protesters allowed to freely assemble on the streets in Paris. From Klein’s perspective, the entire conversation about climate change was shifted to a conversation about security after the horrific terrorist attacks just three weeks before.

Throughout the evening Klein was at her best when she made the links between what is happening to our climate and what is happening to our civilization. She pointed out that thinking and acting on climate change is not about showing how this issue eclipses all other priorities such as poverty and hunger. That is a losing proposition. What needs to happen is “a connecting of the dots.” We need to see how all of these issues are interconnected and how they require systemic solutions. Klein cited the example of Syria. The reason Syria’s society fell apart so quickly had a lot to do with a historic drought which destroyed the nation’s food supply prior to the outbreak of civil war. And at home incredible tragedies like Hurricane Katrina stress how climate change exacerbates social realities such as sexism, racism and economic inequality. Klein remarked, “Katrina was so shocking we can’t metabolize it. Blackwater on the streets…large scale dislocation of black residents… efforts to end public housing…I thought to myself how the science fiction story Children of Men is happening now.” She then went on to say that class struggles like The Fight for $15 is in no way separate from the vast potential we have to reconstruct a different economy based on renewable jobs, energy democracy, and transforming public infrastructure. It is all the same fight.
Several times throughout her conversation with award winning journalist Michael Winship, Ms. Klein reiterated her main thesis that shocks to the system can be positive. This is one of those moments where we can not only avoid the worst of what is possible but we can imagine a new possible all together. Klein is not talking about stopping climate change. She is talking about preventing the most catastrophic effects of climate change and promising that if we are successful at doing so, we will undergo a radical cultural transformation. Dramatic change is inevitable but how we change is up to us. If we choose to bury our heads in the sand and pretend like the world is doing just fine the way things are, we will face a future of inconceivable sadness, relentless wickedness, and immeasurable waste. This is a world where people and other living things will be made bankrupt by blind forces of insatiable greed and malice. It is a world where vigilante violence will become an everyday affair; and where private security forces work for billionaires to keep the masses sedated, sequestered and sent off “their” land. It is a world where the tensions between the public sphere and the private sphere will evaporate due to the total obliteration of civil freedom. In short, it is a world where all of the traditional social ills will be made incurable by the existential diseases of mistrust, envy and delusion. As Klein put it: “It’s not just about things getting hotter and wetter, it is about things getting meaner.”

All in all, this was a tremendous event. The FLCC community should be proud for hosting such a remarkable teacher and communicator. Having said that, I do have one critique which is not uncommon in this line of work. The audience was 95% white, 18-80 in age, middle to upper class, liberal/progressive minded, and basically from areas adjacent to the Finger Lakes. This means that people of color were by and large not there to be part of this conversation; it means that children and young adults were primarily at home on their computers or in front of their television rather than soaking up this wisdom; it means that the poor and marginalized were left outside to be talked about rather than conversed with; and it means that the true believers in industry, corporatism, and libertarian values were unable to hear a fascinating public intellectual explain her progressive meta-narrative in a relaxed and cerebral setting. Although Klein herself doubts the efficacy of trying to convince these people to embrace her worldview, I do not see how we can rebuild this new economy without them. In many cases they are our engineers, architects, mathematicians, explorers, governors, administrators, artists, and more. We need them.

This criticism aside, everyone who was in attendance to hear Klein’s message came away with a more comprehensive understanding of the world. What more can you ask for from a speaker?